“Go therefore and make disciples of ALL NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
2022 Short Term Mission: KODIAK, ALASKA
Full-Time Missionaries We Support:

Ed and Dana Dickinson serve with Operation Mobilization in Israel. Ed served locally with the San Diego Hebrew Mission for many years before moving to Israel to work in full-time ministry. They have two daughters, Dvora and Miriam. The Dickinsons hosted a team from Mapleview in 2015.

Dan and Kathie Stowell have a long history as members and missionaries of Mapleview. Dan serves with Brazil for Christ and has pastored a church in Patacas, Ceará, in the Northeastern region of Brazil, for many years. Dan specializes in Biblical counseling and Dan and Kathie both have a heart for reaching young people. The Stowells hosted teams from Mapleview in 2005, 2011, and 2017.

Duane and Janet Abuhl serve on the Southern Pacific island of Vanuatu with Training Beyond Borders ministries. Duane is the pastor of Leweton Community Church in Luganville and along with his wife faithfully supports the local ministers to neighboring islands. The Abuhls hosted teams from Mapleview in 2007, 2013, and 2019.

Jon Breuninger is a missionary with SEND International. He is working to plant churches in remote Native American villages in Alaska and Northwest Canada. He currently serves on the island of Kodiak and works primarily with youth. Jon hosted a Mapleview team in 2012.

Ruthie Burton takes the gospel to the children of Northern Brazil as well as reaches out to the deaf community. Ruthie and her ministry partner Cláudia develop Christian materials for children (EBEC).

Mark and Carolyn Williams serve with Dynamic Church Planting International based in Oceanside, California. Their ministry is to equip leaders to plant dynamic churches worldwide and their goal is to train 100,000 per year by 2022. Mark has a website and podcasts with materials that he uses to have a Kingdom impact.

Mapleview Church also discretely supports a few missionaries in countries in the Middle East and Asia where it is dangerous and life-threatening to publicly identify oneself as a Christian missionary.

Pacific Church Network is a partnership of many ethnically and culturally diverse churches who work together to strengthen and establish churches to influence their world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. PCN, with churches in Southern California, Hawaii, Guam and Seattle, is part of a national organization of approximately 1,000 churches called CBAmerica, and is actively planting churches.
Questions about missions?
contact the church office: office@mapleviewchurch.com